Concre-Tint is water based pigment dispersions specially designed for concrete mix applications for exterior/Interior.
House Keeping and Handling Requirements
- Packing: 20kg Jerry Can is standard packaging.Intermediate Bulk Container (200kg/IBC) is Available.
- Handlling: Ensure full homogenization of product prior to use.Storage should be above 0°C.
- Shelf Life: All products of this range have 2-years shelf life.Before shelf life expiration,our products are tested and case by case,shelf life extensions are possible (For specific questions,please contact us for support).
KPDC -Kimya performance & Dispersion Chemicals,Lahore,Pakistan
The data contained in this publication are based on our current knowledge and experience. In view of the many Factors that may effect processing and application of our product.These data do not relieve processorsfro carrying out their own investigations and tests; neither do this data imply any gurantee of certain properties,nor the suitaibility of the product for a specific purpose.Further protective and workplace hygiene measures adequate for handling chemicals must be observed.(4/2023).